Monday, June 9, 2008

#1 Emperor Tenchi

Tenchi Tennou

Aki no ta no
Kariho no io no
Toma o arami
Waga koromode wa
Tsuyu ni nure tsutsu

Emperor Tenchi

Coarse the rush-mat roof
Sheltering the harvest-hut
Of the autumn rice-field;
And my sleeves are growing wet
With the moisture dripping through.

Sympathy to the farmer's hardship is expressed in the poem.

1 comment:

Jerez Sherry said...

I love reading these all....even in Japanese, they have such an ethereal quality of sound, touch my heart..

I like these spoken of sleeves, I remember one such poem by Hitomaro, where he speaks of tears soaking his heavy sleeves. I will see if I can find it, perhaps you know the one. It might be By the Sea of Iwami. Some of these poems take my breathe.

I am so glad I found you to share this with!
THank you for placing my blog as your favorite, so nice, feeling is mutual.